About „Science About Sports Tech“
ScienceAboutSportsTech.com is the brainchild of Peter Düking.
In his work at University, Peter researches acute reactions and chronic adaptation to exercise and training in different populations (read about it here). While trying to understand these reactions and adaptations, he is evaluating and employing new technologies to get valuable insights, both in his laboratories but also under „free-living“ conditions.
At the same time, Peter is often asked from athletes, coaches, active individuals and other stakeholders how to improve aspects of performance or health, and if there isn´t a technology which could give some support. While technologies are rapidly advancing, more and more such questions arise – partly driving by the marketing of commercial companies. Likewise, science about sports technology in different populations is increasing and staying up-to-date to latest science about rapidly evolving technologies is challenging.
To foster knowledge transfer from science to practice, ScienceAboutSportsTech aims to be an evidence-based source for athletes, coaches, active individuals and other stakeholders to inform themselves about latest research on sports technology. It is hoped that such knowledge can be used in practice to select, apply and use the right tech at the right time to improve aspects of performance and health.
Athletes, coaches, active individuals and other stakeholders are invited to screen the content, provide feedback, and discuss latest research about sports technology.
While we currently start with providing „knowledge snacks“ using photos, graphics and pictures, it should be noted that this project is „work in progress“ and it could be that in the future, we host podcasts, live-sessions or similar. If you have any suggestions, please contact us at: info@scienceaboutsportstech.com
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Peter Düking
Braunschweig, 2024